Egyptian works of art
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Anubis Black Granite Statue
Handcrafted wooden bust of Sekhmet, the ancient Egyptian goddess
Quartz bust depicting Hathor
Alabaster head of a priest
Granite sculpture depicting king Senusret I
Standing Ibis made of bronze and wood
Alabaster head depicting goddess Hathor
Seated Ibis made of gold colored wood and bronze
Granite sculpture of a head depicting Ramesses II
Large red Aswan granite bust depicting Ramesses III
Large granite bust depicting Anubis
Hand-carved granite relief depicting Ramses II
Sandstone bust depicting Sekhmet
Life Size Hand Carved Granite Statue Depicting Goddess Hathor
Life-size hand-carved granite statue depicting Thutmose III
Large Granite Seated Bastet Cat
Large granite seated statue of Senenmut holding Neferura
Seated granite sculpture depicting the goddess Hathor
Granite statue of a standing Sekhmet
Sandstone sculpture of a seated priest
Large quartz head depicting Amenhotep III
Sandstone sculpture of a head depicting Queen Tiye
Limestone seated figure in Old Kingdom style
Large granite seated pair statue
Alabaster Hathor
Painted limestone block statue
Granite Seated Sekhmet
Painted Limestone statue of Meritamun
Large basalt statue depicting a priest and Hathor
Large Granite Horus Falcon
SOLD - Large hand-carved granite Bastet cat
Standing Granite Statue of Queen Tiye
Granite statue depicting a standing Anubis
Alabaster head depicting Amenhotep III
Large granite statue depicting Sekhmet
Large standing alabaster statue
Large granite eye of Horus
Basalt relief depicting Sekhmet
Large limestone Anubis canope
Black schist head depicting Thutmose III
Basalt hand carved Narmer palette
Large sandstone statue depicting Anubis
Granite statue depicting Ramses III
Limestone relief depicting the Horus falcon
Granite Bust of Anubis
Schist head Amenhotep III
Standing basalt statue depicting Amun
Basalt gazelle
Red Aswan granite head depicting Amenhotep III
Quartz statue depicting a kneeling Thutmose III
Seated Egyptian statue depicting Maat
Egyptian granite Bastet cat
Large granite statue depicting Amenhotep, son of Hapu
Limestone relief depicting a noble lady
Egyptian Red Aswan Granite Head
Large granite statue of a kneeling king Ramesses III
Seated Egyptian statue depicting Isis
Black granite head depicting Sekhmet
Painted limestone relief depicting a noble
Painted limestone relief depicting kneeling nobles
Painted limestone relief
Painted limestone relief depicting goddess Hathor
Alabaster vase
Limestone carved Hathor
Red Aswan granite head depicting Khonsu
Basalt relief depicting a noble lady
Painted limestone relief depicting King Ramesses II on his chariot
Seated statue depicting the goddess Isis
Wooden bust of a princess
Schist head of a priest